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Best Cameras for Landscapes, for Sports, for People & etc. This page covers the best cameras overall for general use. Best Cameras suggests the best cameras by specific kinds of shooting.

All-time Gifts for Photographers

June 2019 Better Pictures   Canon   Sony   Nikon   Fuji   LEICA   Zeiss   Hasselblad   All Reviews

The All-time Camera for Most Things

Nikon D3400

Nikon D3400 and included 18-55mm VR AF-P.

What camera exercise I suggest for my friends and family when they enquire? What'due south the all-time photographic camera that can handle every kind of photo situation, but still lightweight and at a depression price?

The Nikon D3500 is the ticket. (Final twelvemonth's Nikon D3400 is mostly the same, and the previous Nikon D3300 is also the same camera, without Bluetooth but with a slightly more powerful flash. All are splendid.)

You tin can pay a lot more, just no camera does annihilation significantly better than the D3500 for most people'south photography. Especially if you have kids in sports, a DSLR like the D3500 is a huge pace up from a point-and-shoot or iPhone considering it tin zoom-in (especially with a telephoto zoom lens) and focus fast enough to track all the activity.

You tin can pay more for fancier cameras I use for my more than serious work, but the pictures are the aforementioned. You're paying more for more than dedicated controls to make setting the camera easier for experts, for tougher build quality for people who corruption their cameras all 24-hour interval, every day for a living and for actress features nearly people don't understand and are only useful in special situations. Expensive cameras make it easier for experts to accommodate advanced settings and may offer some odd features few people understand, merely the results ultimately are the same. The extra toll and size, weight and expense are to make it more fun for people who shoot all day, not for picture quality.

No photographic camera takes meliorate pictures than a D3500. The reason guys like me pay more for fancier cameras isn't for better pictures; information technology's for more controls and options that allow us few who actually know how to employ all these controls to get to them faster. The D3500 has the aforementioned adjustments, only that you'll more often have to use a card to set them instead of a knob or button. If you shoot all day every twenty-four hour period every bit I do, it's worth information technology, otherwise, in that location's no reason to pay more since nearly people have no idea what these other settings practice.

Sure, you can buy fancier DSLRs, just you don't need to unless y'all want to. The D3500 is the near basic DSLR sold today, and is all I'd ever need. Sure, feel free to pay more as I'll expand beneath (and many people do), only you're only buying more durability or convenience, not better pictures. Better pictures come up from knowing how to take ameliorate pictures, non from a meliorate camera.

Other Inexpensive Great Cameras

Canon SL2

Catechism EOS SL2 with Canon eighteen-55mm IS STM. check toll.

If prefer Canon, the Canon SL2 and Insubordinate T6 are equally excellent amd inexpensive. The differences between these are more a matter of which fits your hands amend or which has controls or menus that yous personally might detect more user-friendly. Canon has much better customer support. I prefer the D3500, merely if yous're already shooting Canon, the SL2 or T6 is just equally fantastic for a very low cost. Each are as proficient; the Canon T6 is the least expensive while the Canon SL2 is newer, smaller and weighs less.

Sony A6000

Sony A6000 and PZ 16-50mm OSS. check price.

Likewise consider the Sony A6000 as a small, inexpensive and high-operation photographic camera. It's a little smaller, simply costs more and has less bombardment life. An advantage of the Sony is that as a mirrorless camera you can seen playback through the viewfinder, and even set menus and zoom-in, all thought the finder in broad daylight.

The Rest of My Recommendations Beneath

I beginning with normal camera recommendations for normal people who only want peachy pictures, and then become to suggestions for dedicated photographers, and end with slap-up gift suggestions.

Click the links (or photos) for detailed individual reviews.

If you lot observe this folio helpful, y'all can help me keep helping you past using these links to approved sources when yous get anything, regardless of the land in which you live. Most of these places ship internationally, and if you lot are outside the USA, B&H Photo Video fifty-fifty has a calculator which shows the final, total cost to-your-door including taxes, shipping and duties before you consummate the order.

I've been buying my own gear from Adorama and B&H Photo Video since the mid-1970s and have had aught merely slap-up service and the lowest prices, which is why I recommend them so highly. Using these links costs you nothing (and probably saves you coin), gets yous the same great service I've enjoyed myself, and most importantly, is what helps me keep calculation to this website for everyone's benefit.

Cameras have nothing to exercise with taking great pictures. To take not bad pictures, yous accept to know How to Take Neat Pictures. If you know what you're doing, all a ameliorate camera does is make information technology easier, faster and more than convenient to have smashing pictures.

The pictures you take depend on you, not on your camera. But as your signature is uniquely your ain no matter what sort of pen you lot use, it'south the same with pictures and cameras. If you want to take amend pictures, your efforts are improve spent learning how to take meliorate pictures, non in buying new cameras.

All-time Serious Cameras (DSLRs)       top

DSLRs, Digital Single-Lens-Reflex cameras, are the all-time camera for shooting action and movement. For news, sports and activity, it's always an SLR.

Nikon D7200

Nikon D7200 and 58mm f/1.2 Noct-NIKKOR.

If you're the sort of person who's an accomplished photographer and reads this site everyday, then y'all'll appreciate the many actress external controls of the Nikon D7200. The D7500 is the same thing, merely newer and more than expensive for the aforementioned thing, The D7500 adds Bluetooth just takes away compatibly with one-time lenses as I evidence here, takes away some resolution and the second bill of fare slot of the D7200, so I'd become the D7200 instead of the D7500.

The Nikon D7200 is improve than anything else if yous really know what you're doing, but bigger, more than confusing and more expensive if you're non an expert. The photos are the same.

See Is It Worth Information technology, which says that if you have the coin, sure, go for the D7200, but if y'all don't, and then don't worry and you'll Beloved the less expensive cameras. The biggest differences among these cameras is non technical picture quality (the pictures from these cameras are indistinguishable from each other), but how many knobs and buttons they have to let skilled and experienced photographers to adjust the things that near people don't even understand. A more than expensive photographic camera does not take better pictures!

If you have the money, and then the benefit of the D7200 is that it does everything but a little bit ameliorate. It is more pleasant to use because information technology has a bigger, brighter viewfinder, and everything works a petty faster and more than smoothly.

The difference between the D7200 and less expensive cameras is mostly in how pleasant information technology is to hold, to own, to use and to shoot.

I cover the larger Nikon D750 and other even more than expensive DSLRs nether more costly cameras. These are for special purposes; the D7200 is the all-time yous can get overall, and the less expensive Nikon DSLRs like the D5600 that adds a swivel LCD screen are no slouch either.

Flash more than wink suggestions

While you're saving all this coin over more expensive cameras, I suggest getting the Nikon SB-400 miniature external flash ($175 used). The D3500 and D7200 have born flashes, but this tiny external flash gives a lot more range, and almost importantly, saves the camera's batteries and lets you shoot a lot faster because it recharges nigh instantly after each shot. In-photographic camera flashes drain the camera's battery and tin take a long fourth dimension to recycle subsequently each shot.

more flash suggestions

Lenses more lens suggestions

For almost things, the 18-55mm DX AFP VR included with the D3500 is all you lot'll ever need.

The best telephoto lens for sports, head-shot portraits and distant subjects is the new seventy-300mm AFP VR DX. It's ultra precipitous and focuses most instantly. A less expensive pick would be a used Nikon 55-200mm VR.

If you want a practise-everything lens that replaces both the xviii-55mm DX AFP VR and the 70-300mm AFP VR DX, the 18-300mm is fantastic. The advantage of the xviii-300mm is that you never have to change lenses, however the eighteen-55mm DX AFP VR and the 70-300mm AFP VR DX autofocus faster. I've shot billboards for McDonald's with an older version of the 18-300mm, and they put it on a billboard, and so no worries near optics on any of these. All can take crawly pictures if you lot know what you're doing.

For low-light, no-flash shooting, I use the Nikon 35mm f1.eight lens (about $197) instead. Information technology's what I use most of the time. I zoom with my feet, and prefer its depression-light abilities compared to a zoom.

For activity and indoor sports, total-time pros use the exotic huge 70-200mm f/2.8 VR FL generally considering information technology can take more of a chirapsia, and it lets them shoot in dimmer light than the other lenses.

If you need wider than the excellent 18-55mm VR lens lens, the Nikon 10-20mm is a fantastic performer at a bargain price, but you have to know How to Use Ultrawide Lenses.

more than lens suggestions

All-time for People, Family & Travel tiptop

Fuji X100F

Fujifilm X100F. (16.six oz./470g with lens, bombardment and carte, about $one,200). enlarge.

For carrying everywhere, for photographing people under whatever and every bachelor lighting status, for silent shooting and for macro, in that location is no camera that compares with the Fuji X100F. It'southward what I carry everywhere with my family unit. It'south non as good equally the Nikon D3500 for sports (no zoom) and not equally good for landscapes (colors optimized for people, non landscapes), but for people photos in any low-cal, the tiny X100F is extraordinary.

The X100F is also the very all-time camera available for new families, travel and holiday photography. It'due south best for families and people considering of its unique ability to become nifty skin tones in any light, and great for travel because it's a full-featured camera in a very small package.

The X100F is the smallest and lightest serious camera available (half the weight of a LEICA and a fraction of the size and weight of a pro DSLR), and as well gives the all-time results for people pictures under every sort of crazy light you'll find people being people. Its low-light, automobile fill-flash, auto ISO, auto WB and color rendition under difficult atmospheric condition is far better than any of my Canons, Sonys, Nikons or LEICAs. Yes, I can get the same results afterwards fiddling with my Nikon or Canon or LEICA for half an hr, only the Fuji X100F ever nails the first shot in difficult light all by itself without fiddling, when means the Fuji gets my shot while I'd even so be fiddling with one of the other cameras.

No camera captures life like the Fuji X100 F , and information technology'south and so easy to carry everywhere around your neck since information technology'due south fifty-fifty smaller and lighter than the Nikon D3500.

All the pros I've talked to prefer their X100F to the LEICAs they used to shoot for reportage photography. The Fuji X100F is over 60 years ahead of the LEICA M10. The LEICA is dandy for nature and landscapes equally I propose below, simply for the people shots that LEICA used to practice best, today it'southward Fuji.

Last twelvemonth'due south Fuji X100T is the same, minus a few pixels and with no slap-up digital zoom feature. The older Fuji X100S lacks the very helpful facial recognition characteristic and has no silent electronic shutter. The oldest Fuji X100 is 80% as practiced as the X100S, only slower. If coin matters, get a leftover or used older model; they all make the same great pictures, but may take longer doing it.

Globe'due south Best Pocket Camera top

Sony RX100 Mark VI

Sony RX100 Mark Vi with its finder popped-up. bigger.

New as of 2018, the RX100 Marking Half-dozen is head and shoulders above other pocket cameras because it works essentially instantly, it has a zoom lens with a huge range and its pictures look fantastic.

Encounter its review; it's boggling.

This Sony has a much smaller sensor than most of the other cameras on this page and therefore it'southward picture quality isn't quite equally good if yous need to make 3-foot-broad prints or shoot in darkness, merely otherwise for every other apply its pictures wait fantastic, particularly for photos of places and things — and it's smaller than every other camera here.

The Nikon and Canon cameras await great for everything, while the Fujifilm X100F is optimized for people photos. The Fujifilm X100F is a somewhat bigger camera with a bigger sensor that goes around your neck and has a faster lens than this Sony (fixed f/2 versus a variable zoom that'south normally about f/4), while this little Sony excels for fast autofocus and brilliant colors for photos of places and things.

Accept the Fuji for improve results in depression low-cal, or accept the Sony if yous need a zoom lens and are shooting in better low-cal.

The earlier RX100 Mark V, Sony RX 100 Mk Iv and RX 100 Mk III are also splendid, with a lens better for use in no light but doesn't zoom anywhere virtually as close. See my reviews at those links and All Sony Cameras Compared for the specifics.

Best Underwater Camera top

Olympus TG-4

Olympus TG-4 (rated waterproof to 50'/15m, 25~100mm eq. f/two~iv.9 zoom, 8.6 oz./243 g. with bombardment and card, nigh $349).

The TG-4 is a keen little photographic camera for stills and video in or out of the water. It takes abuse like a champ. The new model is the TG-5.

Flash top

Nikon SB400

Nikon SB-400, about $175.


Built-in flashes are splendid, but can't exist pointed to bounce off the ceiling to improve your indoor photos. I own more expensive flashes, merely I almost e'er use my SB-400 instead.

Even if you don't bounce it, the SB-400 lets you shoot faster since information technology recharges much faster than the built-in flash. I utilize my SB-400 even on my more expensive Nikons. It's that skilful.

If you want a larger wink to get more range or to bounciness sideways, the Nikon SB-700 is my favorite. It's still reasonably sized.

The huge SB-5000 is too big unless you actually demand all that power as a full-time journalist or or sports shooter.


For Canon, my favorite daily-use flash is the minor 320EX, or the older Canon 220EX.

If you want a larger flash to go more than range, the Canon 430EX II is my favorite. It's smaller and easier-to-employ than bigger flashes and merely works great.

The huge Canon 600EX RT is intended for full-time journalist or wedding shooters who apply several of them in multiple portable flash setups.

Straps top

I never use the strap that comes with the camera.

See Straps for strap suggestions.

Tripods summit

Complete Tripod & Head Sets

With a digital camera with Image Stabilization or VR, in that location'southward no demand for a tripod. I only use a tripod for very long time exposures fabricated at low ISOs.

My recommendation on tripods is not to bother with one, or if y'all must, get something so small and light that you won't listen carrying it. Fifty-fifty if it seems wiggly, it'southward still good enough to hold your camera then long as you're not trying to wiggle it while you're taking the film. So long as information technology's stiff enough to concord up your camera, it's strong enough. A tripod left behind because y'all don't desire to carry it is simply getting in the way.

When I do use a tripod, I use the lightest one I can discover, a $55 Dolica GX600B200 which I always deport in my trunk. It's all-metal, and lighter than whatsoever of the far more expensive brands that advertise like crazy, only 2.5 pounds total for caput and legs. Companies that spend money on advertizing and sponsoring big-name photographers aren't spending that money on making me a amend tripod, then I'll stick with Dolica where nosotros get a much better tripod for less money. (When looking at more expensive tripods, think that the dollar and weight specifications are commonly merely for a caput or for the legs sold separately.)

The Dolica GX600B200 has padded, adjustable-bending legs with rubber anxiety and or spikes, and includes a ball-head with a quick-release, a compass, a level, a centre column with hook, and a nice padded shoulder-strap instance in its depression price!

The Dolica GX600B200 is a complete system, complete with loads of nice extras (like the case) usually sold separately with more heavily-advertised brands.

My Dolica GX600B200 is all I usually deport with me, and I use it with its included head. No, it'south not the sturdiest if I'm going to blindside on it during exposure, only I don't jiggle the camera while shooting and this way I demand not lug a heavier tripod. Done.

The key is to have a tripod light plenty and in a convenient example so that we'll actually take it out and utilize it. Heavy brand-proper noun tripods left back in your trunk, habitation or hotel are useless. It's easy to throw the padded Dolica case over my shoulder when the light fades so I have the tripod with me.

Yous don't demand to spend more on a tripod, but go ahead if you lot prefer. Different digital cameras, tripods concluding a lifetime. The commencement cheap tripod my dad bought me when I was eleven years erstwhile still works great, and my exotic French-made Gitzo G1227 carbon fibre I bought in 1995 for $500 for just the legs besides continues to work flawlessly every day. Don't skimp on a tripod; just don't think that paying more takes better pictures. Go what y'all want and information technology will serve you a long time.

Tripod Heads

The Dolica GX600B200 comes with a head. When y'all buy fancy tripods they usually come equally just legs, and you have to buy a head to go with them separately.

Tripod heads and legs all interchange between brands. They all use ⅜″ × xvi TPI threads regardless of how big or small.

Not a bargain, only I love my Novoflex Mini MagicBall Head. Quick releases are a pain; I adopt the instant access and simplicity of my MagicBall and its thumbscrew. I apply information technology for traveling light.

I use a huge Bogen Manfrotto 3275 410 Geared Head on my big Gitzo G1227 in the studio and with huge telephoto lenses for its ability to point and level precisely, and to go exact framing. I utilize a geared caput for all my serious photography.

Mini Tripods

I don't bring tripods on vacation considering I'm trying to relax and have fun. I shoot every mean solar day, so on holiday I take as little as possible, and as I said above, I rarely need a tripod.

I do however e'er throw a tiny tripod in my bag but in example:

Tropical Storm, Bahamas

Tropical Storm, Bahamas. bigger.

If I hadn't brought along a mini tripod on vacation, I'd have missed this shot which graces my dwelling page as one of my greatest works of all time. This is ane of many one-second exposures made to catch a random thunderbolt and be long enough to expose the sky and foreground properly.

If all I'm bringing is a Pocket Camera I'll bring my tiny Adorama travel tripod that weighs about an ounce. It lives in my suitcase all year and I forget information technology'due south there until it saves the solar day (or night).

If I'm taking a big photographic camera on vacation, I'll bring my astonishing lilliputian Oben CTT-m that weighs less than a pound and does everything. I leave my Oben CTT-g in my camera handbag all the time but in instance.

Filters top

I prefer to exit a Hoya UV filter on every lens to protect it from damage.

I rarely conduct a graduated neutral-density filter, which I utilize just for shooting into adverse low-cal like a sunrise or dusk where I'k trying to hold detail in both the bright sky and dark foreground.

I rarely utilise a polarizer, and when I do, it's to cutting through long-distance haze. The all-time polarizers on Earth are the Hoya Polarizers, which come in many different versions.

I prefer the Tiffen HT graduated filters. They are as well expensive, but I'm still using the Tiffen grads I bought dorsum in the 1990s as well.

Filters last forever; don't be cheap.

More at Filters.

Advanced Lenses top

Depression-Lite   Far-Away   Wide-Angles   Do-It-All

DX Dream Team

FX Lenses

You tin end hither. You don't need any more lenses. The lens that came with your camera is all you really need.

The Nikon D3500, its kit lens, and maybe a divide flash, are all anyone really needs for anything. If you want to get whole-pig, I see no reason ever to need to purchase annihilation other than the DX Dream Team lenses.

I go on vacations for a calendar week at a fourth dimension with my D7200, one lens and an SB-400 flash, and never miss anything. In fact, I dear not having to carry more gear!

If y'all take special needs, or need a lens for a camera which sells without a lens, keep reading.

Long term, information technology's always meliorate to spend coin on lenses instead of digital cameras. Any of these lenses will work smashing on any fancier camera. Cameras driblet in toll and go obsolete every year, while lenses can stay current for decades, and their prices usually go upwards.

Depression-Lite without Flash tiptop

Nikon 35mm f/1.8

Nikon 35mm f/ane.8 AF-S (52mm filters, half-dozen.95 oz./197.0g, most $197).

The fast f/1.8 aperture of this $197 lens lets it capture three times as much light every bit whatever $one,800 f/2.8 zoom, and five to ten times every bit much light every bit whatsoever other more reasonable zoom lens. Swell for $197!

I unremarkably use simply this lens all solar day instead of a zoom considering it lets me shoot indoors without flash, without a problem! If I need to shoot closer or begetter away, I only move forward or back.

Because it gathers so much more light than zoom lenses, my cameras don't have to shoot at such a high ISO or slow shutter speed, so I can have great photos in bad light.

I'd propose everyone who shoots indoors or in dim light become one of these lenses, since its a wonderful lens with a wonderful price. It works on all DX cameras.

Far-Away Things superlative

An xviii-55mm VR II and imagination is all anyone needs to brand great portraits. Imagination is the important part, with which whatsoever lens will do, and without imagination, any lens will brand atrocious portraits.

The only reason for longer lenses is if you lot can't get shut plenty, like to kids on stage or playing sports on the field.

The new Nikon lxx-300mm VR DX AFP is the land-of-the art, and reasonably priced. This 70-300mm lens is ultrasharp and focuses super fast. You lot can't beat it:

Nikon lxx-300mm VR DX AFP (58mm filters, 14.5 oz./412g, 3.7'/1.1m shut-focus, check cost.)

If yous actually want to go serious for indoor sports and theater, the earth's standard professional telephoto zoom is the Nikon lxx-200mm f/2.eight FL. It works in much lower light than the 70-300mm VR above. It works flawlessly on less expensive cameras.

Nikon 70-200mm VR II

Nikon 70-200mm f/2.8 FL (metal 77mm filter thread, l.3 oz./1,425g with tripod collar, 3.half dozen'/1.1m close-focus, check price.)

You're paying much more because this fully professional lens considering it'southward built similar a tank, and also because it is much more sensitive to light for indoor shooting. For use outdoors the Nikon 70-300mm VR DX AFP takes the same pictures for a fraction of the price so long equally you lot don't abuse it.

Nikon 28-300mm VR

Nikon 28-300mm VR.

For FX digital and 35mm movie, my 28-300mm VR replaces all the other lenses I used to employ.

Broad Angles: Getting Closer superlative

I'chiliad a sucker for ultra-wide lenses, but they take a lot of skill to use properly.

Ultra-wide lenses are not for "getting it all in." They are for letting you go closer and thus creating stronger images.

For FX and 35mm cameras, the Nikon 16-35mm is the world standard for ultrawide functioning.

If an 18-55mm lens isn't broad enough, my favorite for all Nikon DX photographic camera is Nikon's 10-20mm DX. It's inexpensive and a bully performer

Nikon 10-20mm

Nikon 10-20mm DX (72mm filters, 8.0 oz./227g, 0.7'/0.22m close focus. cheque price).

Nikon 16-35mm

Nikon 16-35mm FX (77mm filters, 23.nine oz./678g. bank check price).

Do-Everything Lenses top

For solar day-to-day utilize, I prefer the 50mm f/ane.viii for my 35mm and FX cameras, and either that or the 35mm f/1.viii DX lens for my DX cameras. I motility a few steps to frame my photograph, and Voilà, perfect pictures. I carry these small lenses when I'm spending more fourth dimension conveying my camera than using it.

Most people desire one lens to do everything, and Nikon makes the all-time of these:

Nikon 18-200mm VR II

Nikon 18-300mm VR DX (67mm filters, 19.4 oz./550g, 1.6'/0.5m close focus. cheque price)

Nikon 28-300mm VR

Nikon 28-300mm FX VR (77mm filters, 28.1 oz./796g. check price).

For FX and 35mm cameras, Nikon's 28-300mm VR does everything except for activity in low-low-cal or crazy-wide angles. The 28-300 likewise covers every reasonable focal length, has vibration-reduction so y'all can forget the tripod, and you can go instant manual-focus override just past flipping the focus band.

With the 28-300mm VR, I tin can dump all my other lenses into the lake; the 28-300 is perfect for 99% of what I exercise on serious photo outings on full-frame. The tiny 50mm f/1.8 is what I prefer to conduct twenty-four hour period-to-day, and the 28-300 is the ticket for serious all-twenty-four hour period shooting.

More Nikon Lenses meridian

I have pages and pages devoted to Nikon lens reviews and suggestions.

For FX and picture, Nikon has made fantastic lenses ever since the 1950s, many of which are bachelor for almost complimentary, used.

Encounter Recommended Nikon FX lenses, the Nikon FX Dream Squad, Nikon D3 Lens Suggestions, and Nikon FX Cheapskate Lenses for suggestions.

Canon Lenses meridian

Canon lens reviews

Canon makes a zillion lenses, merely I but apply a couple for my total-frame Canon cameras. (I prefer the Nikons for small-format (DX) digital.)

When photographing my family, I utilize a 50mm f/1.8 STM (or 50mm f/1.2 50), and that's it: just i lens, period.

If out on a dedicated photo trip, instead I bring ane wide lens and one tele zoom, and that's it!

My favorite wide lens for Catechism total-frame is the 16-35mm f/4 IS L, which is ideal for nature, interiors and landscapes. I use the xvi-35mm f/2.8L 3 in the rare cases I shoot depression-light sports or action.

Lower-cost options for Canon total frame are the 17-40mm f/4 L (for light weight and bargain price) or the Catechism EF 20mm f/ii.8 USM for smallest size and low price.

My favorite reasonably priced Canon tele is the new 70-300mm IS USM II. It is extremely sharp and focuses instantly. It's a superior lens at a very reasonable cost.

I practise this for a living every day so lens cost doesn't matter to me. If you want the very best regardless of toll or weight, and so I honey my Canon 100-400mm L IS Two. Information technology's ultra sharp, extremely well made, and has slap-up paradigm stabilization for hand-held shots in the dark. It's the world's best professional tele zoom.

I don't use seventy-200 f/2.8 tele zooms; they accept a very express long range and I don't need f/2.8 since I'm shooting digital. f/2.viii was for 35mm film or very low low-cal; the higher ISO speeds of digital make conveying all that weight for one extra stop foolish. I get fifty-fifty more defocus at 400mm and f/five.6 than 200mm at f/2.eight; focal length is more important than f/end for shallow depth of field.

The 70-300mm IS USM II is only equally precipitous and weighs and costs much less than the 100-400mm; I bought my 100-400mm before the lxx-300 came out. The biggest difference is that the 70-300mm is mostly plastic doesn't focus as shut as the larger and mostly metal 100-400mm. The 100-400mm focuses so close it replaces a macro lens.

That's it. I put the camera around my cervix and the second lens in my pocket. See likewise Behave Less.

See as well Assembling a System.

Costlier options top

No i, not fifty-fifty me who uses his cameras all day long, needs anything better than a D3500.

I ain fancier cameras because they arrive even easier to practice fringe-element things, like burn abroad at 10 frames per second for sports or photo birds a half-mile away nether moonlight. No one needs this, but if you lot have the greenbacks or utilize cameras then much that even picayune improvements are appreciated, go for it. See also Is It Worth It.

Canon 5D Mk IV & 5DS R height

Canon 5D Mark IV

Catechism 5D Marking IV.

Canon 5D Mark IV

Canon 5DS R.

The Canon 5D Mark IV and 5DS/R are the world'south best DSLRs. I report on every camera, and when I really need great photos, I grab my 5DS/R. The 5DS/R excels for loftier resolution, while the 5D Mark IV runs faster and still has more than enough resolution for annihilation.

I love my 5DS/R over all my Nikons and LEICAs because it handles and feels so much ameliorate. My images e'er look great, and the 5DS/R always feels fantastic in my hands. Not only does the 5DS/R feel better, information technology e'er takes fewer clicks to set what I want, it shoots more quietly, and while its LCD seems the same on paper, in reality it's really much bigger than on my Nikons — and the Auto Brightness control of my 5DS/R works great in every light.

The 5DS/R replaces the 5D Mark III which replaced the 5D Mark Ii which replaced the original 5D which was introduced in 2005. The original 5D was the king of landscape and nature photography, and to be honest, if y'all can find a bargain on an old 5D, it's a bigger pain to use with a dreadful LCD, but also gives spectacular results.

If coin matters, many people prefer the Canon 6D Ii, which removes some features but costs much less.

Nikon D750 height

Nikon D750

Nikon D750 .

The Nikon D750 is a super deal today. It's a full-frame version of the D7200. It's a bargain because information technology's been out a while, then it'due south discounted. Don't expect for a new version, because the simply departure a new version is probable to accept is to add Bluetooth, remove compatibility with older lenses, lower wink power and enhance the price.

The D750 is the better model of the D610, and oddly the D750 sells for less today. Don't wonder, merely get a D750 while they're so inexpensive.

Honestly, the biggest divergence between full-frame (FX) and the smaller APS-C (DX) sensors is that full-frame cameras take bigger viewfinders and less depth-of-field The pictures are as good; the difference being that you become more depth-of-field with DX, or more subject area isolation (narrower depth of field) with full frame.

Film Cameras acme

How to Shoot Film

Why We Love Film

Real RAW

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Ever since DSLRs got to 24 MP I accept shot very little 35mm film. Unless I'thou projecting flick slides with a film projector or doing optical darkroom press I don't use the 35mm anymore. If I'g doing whatever function of the process in the digital domain I lose then much in scanning that I'm meliorate off shooting in digital in the outset identify, so my 35mm suggestions are for the truly affected who insist on shooting 35mm merely because that's what they like.

If you want existent quality, step upwardly to medium or big motion-picture show formats. Today I love my Hasselblad organisation above all others.

Here are some of my favorites. Prices are without lenses, and these are best bachelor used at eBay every bit near are no longer available new.

Nikon F6 top

Nikon F6

Nikon F6 (2004-today) with Nikon 50mm f/1.4 AF-D. check price.

The F6 weighs and costs much less than a D5.

Other favorite Nikon 35mm cameras available used are the Nikon FA, the indomitable Nikon F4 and Nikon F5. The Nikon N75 is a wing-weight, high functioning AF photographic camera.

LEICA M3 top


LEICA M3 (1954-1967) with LEICA SUMMILUX 50mm f/ane.iv.

The 1950s LEICA M3 is still the world's best 35mm camera. I use mine with the LEICAMETER, Fuji ACROS 100, a few filters (yellow, orange, red and green) and I'1000 good!

Hasselblad 503 CX top

Hasselblad 503 CX

Hasselblad 503 CX (1988-1992). Well-nigh $500 used (cubical body just), or almost $1,300 used as shown with 80mm f/two.8 CF lens, A12 back and waist-level finder. As shown without lens: about $800.

Hasselblad has been the top professional camera since the 1960s. Even today in 2016 pros wished they could afford a new Hasselblad, the aforementioned as they've wished for over 50 years.

All Hasselblad SLRs are superb. I honey my 503 CX because information technology's the least expensive Hasselblad new plenty to take the super-vivid Astute-Matte screen. It's new enough that whatever yous buy will probably work perfectly without needing service, and onetime enough to be inexpensive.

All Hasselblads are pretty much the same; the older 500 C/M is just about the aforementioned matter, but with a much darker screen. By the time you lot replace the night screen of the 500 C/M and then you lot tin run across what you're doing, you lot may likewise but go a 503 CX.

I'd likewise suggest a PME metered prism finder, which lets y'all run into the image as y'all expect in an SLR. As shown above with a waist-level finder, you take to await down to see a reversed image, exactly equally on a TLR. Get the PME and you'll love it.

Nikon FM3A


Nikon FM3a

Nikon FM3A (2001-2006) with Nikon 50mm f/1.four AI-s . check cost.

Nikon's FM3A is an admittedly vivid photographic camera.

It just shoots, with no backtalk.

Nikon FE top

Nikon FE

Nikon FE (1978-1983) with Nikon 50mm f/ane.4 AI-s . check cost.

The Nikon FE is 99% the aforementioned as the FM3a, for a lot less money.

Canon AE-1 Program: $50 due west/Lens top

Canon AE-1 Program

Canon AE-one Plan (1981-) and Canon FD 50mm f/1.8.

The Canon AE-1 Program is one of my very favorite manual-focus Canon FD cameras, and information technology sells used for next to nothing. Everything on it just works, as opposed to more expensive Canons, like the New F-one, that cost a lot more and do a lot less.

LEICA M7: $5,000 top


LEICA M7 ($v,000 new or near $ane,700 used if you know how to win at eBay) with 50mm f/2 SUMMICRON .

The LEICA M7 (2002-today) is a rangefinder version of the Nikon Fe that uses Leica's superior lenses. These superior LEICA lenses permit it make sharper images than from SLR cameras.

Another reason to utilize the LEICA is that it and its lenses are much smaller and lighter than SLRs. For example, most Leica lenses take tiny 39mm filters!

Mamiya 7: $3,900 top

Mamiya 7

Mamiya 7 trunk (shot with an FD-88)

The Mamiya seven, along with its sister the Mamiya 6, is the world's best camera, period.

Information technology is super-easy to concord, shoot, and carry the complete system in the field.

It as well offers the world's highest hand-holdable technical prototype quality. Shooting 6x7cm medium-format film, this lightweight interchangeable-lens rangefinder camera is the same or smaller in size and weight than 35mm SLRs and DSLRs, while offer far superior prototype quality and more user-friendly size and weight.

Its 70 10 56mm images are over double the area of the largest medium-format digital sensors.

The Mamiya 7'southward lenses are spectacular and beyond comparison. They are as good equally LEICA, but for a format with over iv times the paradigm expanse of full-frame 35mm.

All this, and easy to carry and shoot mitt-held = the world's best camera.

Tachihara 4x5:" $700 peak

tachihara 4x5 camera

The Tachihara is a lightweight wooden 4x5" photographic camera.

It has been ane of the most pop cameras for decades for serious landscape and outdoor photography because of its ultra low-cal weight, ability to fold up about as big every bit a book, its aplenty set up of movements, and slap-up screen.

It has recently been discontinued; I demand to test some newer cameras to give personal recommendations, nevertheless I suspect that the $990 Toyo Field 45CF is also splendid, and built a lot tougher out of metal. The Tachihara ordinarily doesn't survive falling off a tripod in the wind.

Of course you lot can go whole-grunter and buy the classic of classics, the timeless Linhof Main Technika, for $10,000. I also utilize a 1956 Linhof Technika 4 which is the same thing, merely I grew tired of conveying the weight. Even though the light Tachihara feels flimsy, its results are what become published every month in your landscape calendars and seen on gallery walls.

Best Gifts for Photographers summit

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Cheers for reading!

Mr. & Mrs. Ken Rockwell, Ryan and Katie.

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