
How Do I Make The Tenvis Camera Pan

Configure Tenvis TZ100 / IProbot3 HD 720P PTZ Camera for Cloud Recording, Monitoring and Playback



Step 1: Connect camera to the network and find IP address

1.1 Connect camera to the network

1.2 Find the Camera's IP Address

Step two: Configure the Camera Using the Web-based Configuration Tool

two.1 Setup or Re-configure Wi-Fi

Step 3. Configure the FTP settings

Step 4. Configure Video Contour and Image/Video Recording Options

four.1 Configure Video / Prototype Settings (Resolution, Frame Rate, Bit Rate)

4.2 Configure Video or Image Recording

4.3 Configure Motion Detection

five. CameraFTP Viewer


Tenvis TZ100 / IProbot3 Hard disk 720P Pan-Tilt network photographic camera is compatible with CameraFTP cloud recording service. This photographic camera can record prototype snapshots at the maximum frequency of 1 epitome/s. While it supports H.264, this photographic camera cannot straight upload video clips to CameraFTP.

Its master features include:

  • Superb HD 720P Video resolution with upwardly to thirty fps.
  • H.264 video compression
  • Supports PTZ and ii-manner audio
  • Supports both wired and wireless connection, but non PoE
  • Easy WiFi Configuration
  • Supports motion-triggered and continuous cloud recording to FTP server
  • IR LEDs for Night Vision Up to 24 feet distance for 24-hour surveillance

Basic photographic camera information

Video / paradigm resolution 1280x720, 640x360, 320x180 (Can only upload 1280x720 images)
Audio recording No
Prototype upload frequency 1 image per second or lower frequency
Video frame charge per unit 1,2,iii,...,30 fps
Dark-vision Upwardly to 24 anxiety (?)
Image snapshot recording Supported
Video prune recording Supported.
Motion detection Supported image snapshot recording
Continuous recording Supported image recording
Supported video format N/A
Connexion type Wi-Fi and Ethernet cablevision
PoE (Power on Ethernet) No
Indoor / outdoor Indoor
Lowest pricing (as of 7/1/2016) $64

Note: This certificate is not designed to supercede the product manual from the manufacturer. The information provided is based on our knowledge of the models Tenvis TZ100 and IPRobot3. It may not exist accurate or completely up-to-engagement. Users shall contact the manufacturer for all camera-related issues and contact us only for CameraFTP-related (cloud service / FTP) problems.

Most of the setup steps below are camera related and are very trivial. If you have finished these basic steps earlier, then you can skip Steps 1 and 2.

Step 1: Connect camera to the network and find IP address

1.1 Connect camera to the network

If you desire to use wired connexion, you merely need to connect the Ethernet cable. Otherwise, there are several means to connect the IP photographic camera to your Wi-Fi network. Please read the production transmission for detailed instructions.

(1) If your Wi-Fi router does not support WPS, and then you tin connect the camera with the router using an Ethernet cable first. You can configure the Wi-Fi settings in the camera'due south configuration pages later. For Wi-Fi only cameras, yous must use manufacturer'southward mobile app to connect information technology to the network.

(2) If your Wi-Fi access bespeak/router supports WPS, and then information technology is very easy to connect your device to the network.

Turn on the camera and press the WPS push on your Wi-Fi admission signal (router) for 3 seconds; the WPS push will usually kickoff flashing. Adjacent, quickly press the WPS push button on your camera. In about 1 minute, yous will see the status light changes, indicating information technology is continued to the wireless router.

ane.2 Detect the Photographic camera's IP Address

Delight refer to the manufacturer's manual for more than detailed information. Unremarkably you will run the included IP Camera Search Tool to find the photographic camera. If your figurer does not take a DVD/CD drive, so you can download CameraFTP VSS software to discover the photographic camera'due south IP address. ( Later on you find the camera'due south IP address, you can stop / uninstall VSS. Note: This photographic camera is compatible with VSS-based Cloud Recording. Y'all tin can use VSS as a cloud-enabled NVR, which requires a PC. )

Pace 2: Configure the Camera Using the Web-based Configuration Tool

Most IP cameras don't back up Chrome, incl. this camera. So please download Firefox web browser if y'all don't have it already. Launch Firefox, and visit:


The default username is admin, and password is admin. (It is recommended that you change the password.)

After y'all log on to the camera, please install the Plug-in. Then you lot can see the live view screen.

Click "System Settings", information technology volition display the main setup screen:

ii.1 Setup or Re-configure Wi-Fi

If you had already connected the camera with your wireless router, then skip this step.

Otherwise, click the Network tab, then click Wireless Setup to config Wi-Fi.

Step three. Configure the FTP settings

Click Alarm --> FTP Settings, you volition run into the FTP Settings screen equally shown in the screenshot beneath.

If you don't already have an account on CameraFTP, please visit world wide and sign up a free trial account. CameraFTP offers iii-mean solar day free trial. When the trial ends, y'all will need to gild a subscription to continue using the service.

Assuming you already have a CameraFTP Account, then you demand to enter the post-obit info:

  • FTP Server: (or IP:
  • Port: 21
  • FTP Mode: PASV (This photographic camera uses PASV past default. No configuration is needed)
  • FTP Path: Y'all photographic camera folder path.
  • Username / Countersign:

    FTP username is your CameraFTP username, FTP password is bachelor in Configure IP Cameras folio. (Your CameraFTP password may also work). You need to add a camera from website and associate the photographic camera with a license key commencement.

Click Save to save the settings. Later that, you lot need to configure the video / image resolution.

Stride 4. Configure Video Profile and Prototype/Video Recording Options

Based on your subscription, you need to configure either video settings or image snapshot settings. You shall non configure both settings, otherwise, you demand to order two dissever camera licenses.

4.1 Configure Video / Image Contour (Resolution, Frame Rate, Fleck Charge per unit)

Click "Audio & Video" --> "Video Parameters", you volition see the screen below.

You simply demand to configure the start stream of 1280x720.

The resolution and frame rate should be based on the plan you subscribed to. However, this photographic camera may merely support 1280x720.

The Bit Rate is a footling tricky. Setting it besides loftier will use likewise much bandwidth, thus dramatically slow downward your network, causing failed uploads; setting information technology likewise depression will affect the video quality. Yous can employ our bandwidth estimator to estimate the bandwidth. Visit, click Pricing, and and then customize a service plan. Come across the screenshot below.

Note for estimating the bandwidth, Number of Cameras should exist set up to one.

For the video plan of 1920x1080, 3 frames/s, the estimated bandwidth is 770Kbps. Y'all you tin set it to a value smaller than 1024Kbps.

If you ordered an image plan, and so you only demand to select the correct video resolution. The resolution of the paradigm snapshots will be the same every bit the First Stream video.

Click Save to save the video settings.

4.2 Configure Video or Prototype Recording

If you ordered an image recording plan, then you should configure Warning Action to upload image snapshots to FTP server. This camera cannot upload video clips to a deject FTP server.

  • "Alarm to capture images to FTP" must exist enabled. Each motion will trigger 1 - 3 images to exist uploaded in 3 seconds. Continuous events volition trigger continuous recording at 3 images/thirty seconds.

For the image recording plan, you can merely order 1 image/x seconds at 1280x720 with move-triggered recording.

You tin can ready continuous prototype recording in the Fourth dimension Capture screen. Click "Capture & Record" --> "Timing Capture":

Notation the interface tells you that y'all cannot upload more than than 1 image/5seconds; in reality, you can input 1 second in the "FTP Server salve interval" field. So tha max upload frequency is actually one paradigm/s. The paradigm size is always 1280x720.

iv.iii Configure Motion Detection (required)

Click the Alarm tab à Motility Detection every bit shown below.

Only select an area, then depict a rectangle and set the motion sensitivity.

Click Salvage to relieve the alter.

NOTE: Please do not configure both continuous and movement-triggered recording. It volition be considered as two camera licenses!

You are all done!

v. CameraFTP Viewer

You can disconnect the Ethernet cablevision if you want to employ Wi-Fi. If you need to make changes, you can run the CameraFTP Virtual Security Organisation program once more to find the camera'south IP address (as it may alter with DHCP), and then access the photographic camera's Configuration pages.

After your camera is setup, you tin visit to view or play back your recorded footage from anywhere. You can also download CameraFTP Viewer App for iOS, Android and Windows Phone.

Cannot get information technology to work? Delight read our Trouble-shooting Guide.


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